English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "opgerold" is om iets in 'n reeks ringe of spirale te draai of te draai, wat dikwels 'n stywe of kompakte vorm vorm. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat in die vorm van 'n spoel of spiraal is, soos 'n kronkelveer of 'n opgerolde slang. Daarbenewens kan die term metafories gebruik word om 'n situasie of emosie te beskryf wat styf verwond of gespanne is, asof gereed om in aksie te spring.

Sentence Examples

  1. On this night she had looked every inch the capable spy, her body as tightly coiled as her hair, her stride purposeful, her movements assured.
  2. Lance looked down, watching as a few soldiers coiled cables around their arms, packing them in crates.
  3. Sighing, she ran a hand over her tightly coiled ebony hair.
  4. She was wearing a bed robe that fell to the floor, her hair, normally tightly bound and coifed, coiled over her shoulders in long wavy locks.
  5. The coiled energy with which she moved suggested a powerful woman, one comfortable with the physicality of her own body.
  6. Electricity coiled around his outstretched hand as he manipulated the surrounding atoms.
  7. Dread coiled tightly around my throat, almost suffocating me.
  8. Long hair hung to broad shoulders, the dark emerald tresses coiled like snakes.
  9. The elf rose to his feet, green hair coiled about his shoulders like snakes and emerald eyes glinting wickedness.
  10. His face was shadowed, but I could see coiled tension in his shoulders.