English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "rat" het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:'n Radertjie is 'n tand op 'n rat of 'n wiel, wat gebruik word om krag of beweging tussen twee of meer ander ratte of ratte oor te dra.In figuurlike sin kan 'n rat verwys na 'n klein of onbeduidende deel van 'n groter stelsel of masjien.As 'n werkwoord beteken "om te rat" om iets op 'n oneerlike of bedrieglike manier te manipuleer of daarmee te peuter.

Sentence Examples

  1. The thought of failing tore at Cog as he collected himself and drew his trusty pistols, firing wildly at any mechanism that flew past.
  2. Every member of the House was meant to function like a well-oiled cog, and Cianne had long been the catch in the gears.
  3. The cold chill of fear rippled through Cog as his instincts warned him he needed to get to the furnace.
  4. Though Cog had always considered himself a master inventor and a skilled warrior, his winged pack was scarcely a match for the mechanical monstrosities his traitorous brother had created.
  5. At that moment, Cog realized what would happen if the airship continued to shoot at the creatures.
  6. C, The World Machine  Cog rolled end over end across the platform, tumbling like a rag doll.
  7. Cog looked at the silent heart of the Machine in disbelief.
  8. The force of the explosion pushed Cog to the ground.
  9. Terror caused Cog to lose himself briefly to the blackness.
  10. Not for her, she was a replaceable cog, but for the cargo.