English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "coaster" wissel na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige van die mees algemene definisies is:'n Klein matjie of skinkbord waarop 'n glas of koppie kan geplaas word om die oppervlak daaronder teen vog of hitte te beskerm.'n Persoon of ding wat kus, veral 'n slee of slee.'n Meubel wat ontwerp is om drankies of ander items te hou terwyl jy op 'n bank of stoel sit.'n Soort pretparkrit wat bestaan uit 'n kar wat ry langs 'n spoor, dikwels met skielike dalings of draaie.'n Persoon of voertuig wat langs 'n kus ry, hetsy vir plesier of vir kommersiƫle doeleindes.'n Plat, sirkelvormige voorwerp wat gebruik word om onder 'n pot of ander item te plaas om 'n oppervlak teen skrape of hitte te beskerm.'n Skip wat langs 'n kus, wat gewoonlik vrag of passasiers vervoer.'n Persoon wat kus, veral in sportsoorte soos sneeuplankry of skaatsplankry, waar die doel is om teen 'n helling of heuwel af te ry.

Sentence Examples

  1. Identifying Aggression and Addiction, stopping them in their tracks, and questioning the beliefs that get us there is the boldest exit from the roller coaster.
  2. Charles Lindbergh himself said it was the best roller coaster in America.
  3. Her emotions, though, caused him to feel like he was on a roller coaster.
  4. Was he ready for that emotional roller coaster again?
  5. Half a dozen fishwives appeared and blasted the children into obedience, while the crew of a beached coaster lounged over the tilted bulwark, passing a bottle back and forth.
  6. Two months and a half elapsed in these trips, and Edmond had become as skilful a coaster as he had been a hardy seaman he had formed an acquaintance with all the smugglers on the coast, and learned all the Masonic signs by which these half pirates recognize each other.
  7. Why does this ride through life feel like a sadistic combination of roller coaster and funhouse?
  8. Driving in the real world while riding a psychotic roller coaster in the murder world in my head, I had just missed taking out a parking meter.
  9. This emotional roller coaster was getting to be too much for me.
  10. Trembling, he set his cognac on the coaster beside him and disappeared from the study without a word.