English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klomp" is 'n klein, gekompakteerde massa of klompie van iets, veral grond, hare of gras. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n groep dinge of mense wat naby aan mekaar is, dikwels op 'n slordige of ongeorganiseerde manier. As 'n werkwoord beteken "klomp" om in 'n kompakte groep of massa te versamel of te vorm, dikwels met 'n swaar of lomp beweging. Dit kan ook beteken om swaar of lomp te loop en dikwels 'n dowwe, bonsende geluid te maak.


  1. clomp

Sentence Examples

  1. The exception to the stillness lay at the southern-most edge of the clump of houses.
  2. The funeral held at noon was all completed, and the last stragglers of the mourners had taken themselves lazily away, when, looking carefully from behind a clump of alder-trees, we saw the sexton lock the gate after him.
  3. As Dillon flew from the bridge he took note of the clump of vines that sprouted from the edge of the cliff.
  4. Talise made the clump of dirt bounce a few more times while the other passengers unloaded.
  5. Beyond the orange-yellow sands of the Wastes, past the milky heatwaves dissipating off of the dead earth, a clump of shadows was growing.
  6. They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated.
  7. Little strings of road splayed every which direction, and at the end of one of those small threads lay a clump of houses that might have come straight out of a snow globe.
  8. Finally, a solid clump of dirt broke apart, and the little dirt pieces flew up toward her hand.
  9. The vehicle revved to life and the brown four door Jeep shot a clump of black smoke out the rear smouldering the bricks of the petrol station as Douglas shifted to first.
  10. Fighting to keep his arm steady, Rune slid a hand behind her head and attempted to pull back a clump of hair that had dried to her shattered eye.