English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "knipbord" is 'n klein draagbare toestel of 'n tydelike stoorarea in 'n rekenaar se geheue wat 'n gebruiker toelaat om tydelik data te hou wat geknip, gekopieer of geplak is. Dit word tipies gebruik om klein hoeveelhede data soos teks, beelde of ander soorte inligting te stoor wat maklik oorgedra of gemanipuleer kan word. Die knipbord kan verkry word deur verskeie sleutelbordkortpaaie of kieslysopsies in verskillende toepassings te gebruik, wat die gebruiker in staat stel om vinnig en maklik data tussen verskillende programme of dokumente te kopieer en te plak.

Sentence Examples

  1. He looked at his clipboard, wrote something, then looked back at the mobile, pointing out something to another judge.
  2. I open my eyes to find Miss Clipboard standing over me.
  3. When I return to the spa waiting area, Clipboard Queen is nowhere in sight but Stephanie greets me, her spa hair flying in all directions.
  4. I glanced up at the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and my gaze fell on a clipboard discarded on the floor, like someone had dropped it.
  5. John was looking at a clipboard whilst taking notes and checking his briefcase.
  6. Shaking my head with disbelief, I glanced at Jason who was now banging his pencil against the front end clipboard.
  7. David takes back the form, puts it on a clipboard and hands it back to me with a pen.
  8. Clipboard down the long hallway that leads to the creepy morgue.
  9. Though his eyes began to water, he nodded, placed his clipboard under an arm and led Sant over.
  10. Eyes moving up and down, face expressionless, hand poised over his clipboard.