English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klink" is:'n Skerp, metaalagtige klank, soos dié wat gemaak word deur twee stukke metaal wat bymekaar slaan.A tronksel.Om 'n skerp, metaalagtige geluid te maak of te laat maak.Om in 'n tronk of tronk op te sluit of op te sluit. Die woord "klink" kan as 'n selfstandige naamwoord of 'n werkwoord gebruik word.


  1. chink
  2. click

Sentence Examples

  1. Clink prisoners were carted over the river at dawn and they could hear the rumbling prison cart rolling closer.
  2. She heard the clink of steel and the creak of leather as they drew their swords and dismounted.
  3. When she refused to take it, revulsion causing her to shudder, he set it on a table with a faint clink.
  4. Behind him, the clink of shackles broke the silence as the Dokkalfar detained the handful of prisoners they had selected to slaughter on ceremony.
  5. Their laughter and the clink of their glasses competed with sounds of the waves.
  6. Pink cumulous clouds were scattered through the sky, the rain droplets spitting like ice stones as they hit the pavement with a clink.
  7. They could at least clink their tin cups together in honor of Uncle Scruggs.
  8. It was quiet save for the clink of glasses and the dull cracks and pops from the fire, and the other patrons ignored me.
  9. The clink of silver on china woke Kristina from her contemplations, and she observed Reverend Williams regarding his empty bowl and plate with a wistful expression on his face.
  10. With the creak of leather and the clink of a sword, a chill swept the room, with it the scent of pine.