English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "klas" kan veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks daarvan:'n Groep mense of dinge wat soortgelyke kenmerke, kwaliteite of status deel.'n Groep studente wat saam deur 'n onderwyser onderrig word, gewoonlik in 'n spesifieke vak of kursus.'n Kategorie of verdeling van mense of dinge wat gebaseer is op 'n gemeenskaplike kenmerk of posisie in 'n gemeenskap, veral in 'n sosiale rangorde of hiërarg.A.A. groep verwante ordes of rangordes in 'n sisteem, soos die sosiale klasse in die samelewing of die taksonomiese klasse in biologie.'n Groep voorwerpe of entiteite wat soortgelyke gedrag of eienskappe in 'n programmeertaal of rekenaarwetenskap het.Voorbeeldsinne:Die hoër klas in die samelewing word tipies geassosieer met die verskillende biologie en die voorreg van ons dier. li>Die sportmotor val in die luukse klas van motors.Die wiskundeklas kom elke weeksdag om 09:00 bymekaar.Die programmeerder het 'n klas gebruik om 'n groep voorwerpe met soortgelyke funksionaliteit te definieer.

Sentence Examples

  1. When I arrived, Lorraine was making copies of class materials.
  2. She planned to scan and enter them into the student system for me, then return them to my desk, so I could deliver them to the class the following week.
  3. Rather than hold the class for an hour three times per week, Abby had opted for one longer lecture where they could watch various television programs and compare writing styles and format.
  4. I knew none of the students in the History of Television Production class, but it was an easy one to teach.
  5. Each year, the graduating class presented a gift to the college to redesign the cable car as their outgoing mark on Braxton.
  6. A few students rushed by, yelling they were late for class, which reminded me I needed to get to Danby Landing.
  7. I had an hour before my next class, so I briefly called the sheriff.
  8. I added her grade book and several printed copies of her current class syllabi to the box too.
  9. When I dismissed the class, Carla ran out after Striker, followed by a few other students.
  10. Once that was settled, we coordinated the flight arrangements for Cecilia and Emma to arrive in Braxton when my last class ended on Monday.