English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "klarinet" is 'n musiekinstrument wat aan die houtblaasfamilie behoort. Dit word tipies van hout gemaak, maar kan ook van plastiek of ander materiale gemaak word, en lewer 'n unieke klank wat dikwels in klassieke en jazzmusiek gebruik word. Die klarinet bestaan uit 'n lang, silindriese liggaam met vingergate en 'n mondstuk wat 'n riet gebruik om klank voort te bring. Dit word gespeel deur lug in die mondstuk te blaas en die vingers te gebruik om die gate te bedek en te ontbloot om verskillende note te produseer.

Sentence Examples

  1. I told Emma about Nana D playing the clarinet years ago.
  2. Perhaps if my daughter is visiting soon, you could teach her how to play the clarinet.
  3. She remembered seeing Lorraine hide a bottle of whiskey for my father behind a secret panel in his desk, so she went to the third floor and put her clarinet in its place.
  4. The first thing she could find was her clarinet case.
  5. I was thinking about teaching Emma to play the clarinet.
  6. Grandpop played the piano and guitar while Nana D sang and played the clarinet.
  7. I found my clarinet case, but the actual clarinet was missing.
  8. I thought she saw us as she dropped her clarinet case.
  9. Was the clarinet still missing because someone had used it to hit Abby on the head?