English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beskaafd" is:(byvoeglike naamwoord)om 'n gevorderde of menslike kultuur, samelewing of lewenswyse te hê, wat gekenmerk word deur verfyning van maniere, sedes en intellektuele en artistieke prestasies.betoon beleefdheid, respek en bedagsaamheid vir ander.beskaafd, beskaafd en georganiseer.beskaafd en georganiseer. >onder die beheer van 'n gesentraliseerde regering of owerheid gebring.Voorbeeldsin: Die beskaafde samelewing heg waarde aan onderwys, diversiteit en gelykheid.


  1. civilised

Sentence Examples

  1. She waited until a just barely civilized time to excuse herself and then fled to her quarters.
  2. Hence why the conversation was always civilized and cour-teous with neither party ever so much as raising their voice.
  3. Add to all this the pleasure of seeing the various revolutions of states and empires the changes in the lower and upper world ancient cities in ruins, and obscure villages become the seats of kings famous rivers lessening into shallow brooks the ocean leaving one coast dry, and overwhelming another the discovery of many countries yet unknown barbarity overrunning the politest nations, and the most barbarous become civilized.
  4. He added how I had endeavored to persuade him, that in my own and other countries the yahoos acted as the governing, rational animal, and held the Houyhnhnms in servitude that he observed in me all the qualities of a yahoo, only a little more civilized by some tincture of reason, which, however, was in a degree as far inferior to the Houyhnhnm race, as the yahoos of their country were to me.
  5. This place is nothing like the civilized cities from which these travelers hailed.
  6. And other writers who love and believe in books and how dire they are to our continued existence as civilized beings?
  7. Another great advantage proposed by this invention was, that it would serve as a universal language, to be understood in all civilized nations, whose goods and utensils are generally of the same kind, or nearly resembling, so that their uses might easily be comprehended.
  8. When I thought of my family, my friends, my countrymen, or the human race in general, I considered them, as they really were, yahoos in shape and disposition, only a little civilized, and qualified with the gift of speech but making no other use of reason than to improve and multiply those vices, whereof their brethren in this country had only the share that nature allotted them.
  9. In fact, one young woman told me how civilized robberies were in Nairobi.
  10. If you can employ civilized manners, we shall discuss our differences like gentlemen.

TV Series Examples



ln civilized lands,