English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord burgerskap is die toestand van lidmaatskap van 'n bepaalde land en die regte, voorregte en pligte wat met daardie lidmaatskap gepaardgaan. Dit is die status van 'n burger, wat tipies behels dat 'n regering erken word as 'n wettige lid van 'n nasie of staat en geregtig is op die beskerming en voordele wat deur daardie regering verskaf word. Burgerskap kan verkry word deur geboorte, deur naturalisasie of op ander maniere, afhangende van die wette en beleide van die betrokke land.

Sentence Examples

  1. Coming off the train she rummaged in the concealed pocket of her bag and pulled out her Canadian Citizenship card.
  2. A chance to make something of her life on Atlantis, even though Pandora held no citizenship here.
  3. Like the ancient Roman Empire, after they defeat an enemy, they bring them into the Empire and give them citizenship.
  4. The civilian population will come under the laws and purview of the PRC and enjoy the rights and privileges of citizenship in our great nation.
  5. Next to the birth certificate was a US passport, citizenship papers for both the US and the UK, and various other credentials, including diplomas from St.