English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "glag" is 'n werkwoord wat verwys na die handeling van stil of innerlik lag, dikwels op 'n subtiele of onderdrukte manier. Dit word tipies geassosieer met vermaak, bevrediging of sagte humor. 'n Gelag word gekenmerk deur 'n sagte, lae klank wat geproduseer word terwyl die stembande uitasem of vibreer. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "glag" ook verwys na die klank self of 'n lae, stil lag.


  1. chortle

Sentence Examples

  1. He gazed at his hands, wiggled them a bit, and gave off a small chuckle.
  2. I could barely keep myself from running away from Hawke to get a look at everything, but he must have noticed how my face lit up, because he gave a slight chuckle and led us right down the main avenue past the vendors.
  3. He even looked like he was trying to suppress a chuckle.
  4. I chuckle at my private joke and he raises an eyebrow at me.
  5. A soft chuckle erupted behind her, so similar sounding was the chuckle she thought Arantay had returned.
  6. The beast let out a throaty chuckle as its fingers tightened around the hilt and it gave a hearty tug of the blade.
  7. A short chuckle escaped him, then another, until he was laughing uproariously.
  8. My mortification was complete when I heard his low chuckle.
  9. As she turned back a soft chuckle made her scream and jump violently.