English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "choke" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Om asemhalingsprobleme te hê as gevolg van 'n vernou of verstopte keel of lugweg.Om die vloei van iets, soos 'n vloeistof of gas te blokkeer of te belemmer.Om iemand of iets te verhoed of te verhinder om behoorlik of ten volle te funksioneer.Om sprakeloos te word of nie in staat is om dikwels goed te presteer nie.Om sterk te word of nie goed te kan presteer nie. onder druk of in 'n kritieke situasie.Om styf vas te gryp of te druk, wat dikwels ongemak of pyn veroorsaak.Om iemand sterk emosies te laat voel, soos vrees, angs of paniek.

Sentence Examples

  1. Charlie burst out laughing, his coarse laugh breaking to a choke.
  2. My damaged knee bent over the ankle of my right leg, cinching in a triangle choke.
  3. How many people was I going to choke out in one day?
  4. A sense of recklessness seized her, and she had to choke back hysterical laughter as she spirited her way along the docks, pausing every so often to peer into the unsavory taverns lining the street.
  5. I was going to choke you until you collapsed, then bring you to Kurrlan.
  6. You want to let go, but if you do, you choke yourself.
  7. Before I could react, the human jumped onto my back and began to choke me.
  8. He chuckled at his nervousness, and then began to choke as his air supply was cut off.
  9. Locking in a guillotine choke, I squeezed, cutting off the blood flow to his brain.
  10. As she yanked open her door she conjured a poison cloud behind her to fill the room and choke out the demons within.