English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is verskeie verskillende betekenisse van die woord "chip". Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies:'n klein, dun stukkie materiaal (gewoonlik plat en dikwels gevorm soos 'n reghoek of sirkel) wat op verskeie maniere gebruik word, soos vir versiering , identifikasie, of as deel van 'n elektroniese toestel'n klein stukkie kos, soos 'n aartappelskyfie of sjokoladeskyfie'n merk of fout op die oppervlak van iets, soos bv. 'n verfskyfie of 'n skyfie in 'n stuk glas'n fragment of stukkie wat van iets groters afgebreek is, soos 'n houtskyfie of 'n klipskyfie'n stuk van gedroogde beesmis wat as brandstof gebruik word (in Britse Engels)Die spesifieke betekenis van die woord "chip" kan afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was minty chocolate chip and strawberry with a chocolate flake and rainbow sprinkles.
  2. I reached over to grab a chip as he took his seat on the other side of Emma, and she slapped my hand.
  3. Tears, walks on the beach, pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and fifths of tequila became my life.
  4. It appeared to be a small metal chip of some sort.
  5. It felt like he had just opened the oven to check on the chocolate chip cookies!
  6. Even with a chip, I fastened the chain around my neck.
  7. Inside, the smell of old books mingled with the scent of chocolate chip cookies.
  8. Another waiter passed by and I snagged a bite of ceviche topped with avocado on a tortilla chip.
  9. When he shoved a bean-dip-laden chip into his mouth, he groaned.
  10. The tracking chip slid out, sticking in a crimson blob on his thumb.