English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n skoorsteen 'n vertikale struktuur, tipies gemaak van baksteen of klip, wat rook en verbrandingsgasse van 'n kaggel, stoof, oond of ketel uit 'n gebou of struktuur kanaliseer. Skoorstene het dikwels 'n rookkanaal, wat 'n deurgang is wat die rook en gasse toelaat om na buite te ontsnap, terwyl dit verhoed dat hulle die binnekant van die gebou binnedring. Skoorstene kan gevind word in woonhuise, kommersiële geboue en industriële fasiliteite.

Sentence Examples

  1. Harry gripped the chimney harder and stone chipped off and slid down the roof.
  2. The four-post bed occupied the spare wall to the right of the chimney.
  3. She had made the mistake once of trying to scale a too-hot chimney, and it was a mistake she would never again make.
  4. You, however, had drawn a chair close to the chimney.
  5. Immediately he retreated up the wet roof to the chimney.
  6. He carefully manoeuvred across the wet roof to the chimney and wrapped his arm around the stone.
  7. He let go of the chimney and slid down the roof to the front garden, scraping his ribs along the tiles.
  8. A billboard blown free of its tethers has landed in a housetop and I see a smiling woman enjoying coffee peeking out by the chimney.
  9. The fact that it had been thrust up the chimney would sufficiently account for these appearances.
  10. Chimney saved me from blowing into the good state of Mississippi, after which I got this blistering sunburn while sunbathing on the roof for two days.