English to afrikaans meaning of

die definisie van die woord "kind" is:'n jong persoon veral tussen babatyd en puberteit'n seun of dogter van enige ouderdom'n persoon wat nog nie oud is nie'n ongebore of onlangs gebore persoon


  1. baby

Sentence Examples

  1. Instead, like a child chasing a dog down a long hallway, I follow the ethereal source to whatever it hopes to tell me.
  2. I had read his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, and felt the pain lying within those distorted water crystals appearing like an abused child, plus learned more in the documentary on physics and the spiritual world, What the Bleep Do We Know.
  3. I still long for peace, quiet and solitude, but how can I send the man I was married to for years, of which I shared the most precious child in the world, back into that hell hole?
  4. The waterline is evident here, like a child extended his hand with a pen between his fingers, letting it mark up the sides of houses.
  5. Regardless, this stranger used powerful sorcery to convince your false-parents that you were their newest child.
  6. I speak softly as much to contain my anger as to make this child understand.
  7. Giving the same sort of experience I had as a child to Emma was a comforting thought.
  8. Izekiel and Xavier grabbed a child each and they continued to race on.
  9. He was embarrassed as a child that he never had an official name and told everyone to call him Oliver.
  10. Brooke thought the Fortress was like a naughty child sometimes.

TV Series Examples



It's no mercy, letting a child



that she return your child to you.



- My child was innocent.



A child born of a traitor's seed



- They say the child was...