English to afrikaans meaning of

die selfstandige naamwoord "grafiek" het die volgende definisies:'n vel wat inligting in tabelvorm of diagrammatiese vorm gee'n kaart wat kenmerke (soos heuwels, riviere en paaie) van 'n spesifieke gebied aantoon'n vel papier of karton met inligting of instruksies daarop gedruk'n musiekkategorie'n lys van rekords in 'n spesifieke rekord rekord van data in grafiese of tabelvorm'n vlootoffisier wat 'n skip beveelAs 'n werkwoord beteken "kaart" om 'n kaart van (iets) te maak, of om 'n koers of pad te beplan of te volg.

Sentence Examples

  1. I asked Melanie to list the reasons that supported the statements at the top of the chart.
  2. Francis walks to the foot of the bed and picks up my chart.
  3. Across the tracks, a single worker sat shivering in a miniscule booth, just large enough for his chair and a built-in shelf on which his cash box and pricing chart rested.
  4. I showed my card to the guys on the door and they ticked off my name on their chart.
  5. As a way of building a solid Thought Bank on this topic, I gave her the homework assignment of completing what I call a Just Desserts Chart.
  6. My star chart had me pinned as a Gemini, but I was right on the cusp of Cancer, and that meant I tended to be a homebody.
  7. At the plant they have this large, LARGE production chart posted on the wall next to the drinking fountain.
  8. Use a Just Desserts Chart when you want change but are deeply attached to or comfortable in your present situation.
  9. He leaned forward between the cockpit seats, picked up an aeronautical chart from the floor.
  10. Using the Just Desserts Chart, Melanie was able to build a Thought Bank that served as the basis for the next few sessions.