English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "bekoor" is om op 'n positiewe manier beïnvloed of beïnvloed te word, dikwels deur 'n betowerende of aangename kwaliteit of ervaring. Dit kan ook verwys na die beskerming teen skade of gevaar deur een of ander bonatuurlike krag of geluk. Boonop kan dit beteken dat dit met 'n towerspel gegooi is, soos in die konteks van heksery of towery.


  1. captivated

Sentence Examples

  1. The humans in this club were all just as charmed by the music.
  2. I saw Don Gaspar, I told him the danger he was in if he let it be seen he was a man, I dressed him as a Moorish woman, and that same afternoon I brought him before the king, who was charmed when he saw him, and resolved to keep the damsel and make a present of her to the Grand Signor and to avoid the risk she might run among the women of his seraglio, and distrustful of himself, he commanded her to be placed in the house of some Moorish ladies of rank who would protect and attend to her and thither he was taken at once.
  3. He imagined using his other talent on the elder and the brothers so many times, but hope had faded over the years with that charmed weight around his neck.
  4. Now that I have charmed you with a sermon, perhaps we can chat about this over our ice cream this afternoon.
  5. Soon enough Duke charmed his way into a partnership with a prestigious law firm.
  6. She welcomed her with great kindness, charmed as well by her beauty as by her intelligence for in both respects the fair Morisco was richly endowed, and all the people of the city flocked to see her as though they had been summoned by the ringing of the bells.
  7. Fix, who was familiar with the last events, seemed to be equally ignorant of all that Passepartout related and the later was charmed to find so interested a listener.
  8. I say, then, that on hearing our answer the youth turned about and made for the place we pointed out to him, leaving us all charmed with his good looks, and wondering at his question and the haste with which we saw him depart in the direction of the sierra and after that we saw him no more, until some days afterwards he crossed the path of one of our shepherds, and without saying a word to him, came up to him and gave him several cuffs and kicks, and then turned to the ass with our provisions and took all the bread and cheese it carried, and having done this made off back again into the sierra with extraordinary swiftness.
  9. Lance managed to pull up that angelic smile that seemed to have charmed the whole world, and he let it fall upon Jack like sunlight.
  10. Although I am charmed by their cozy love, the smile involuntarily playing across my lips fades.