English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "karakter" kan effens verskil na gelang van die konteks en die spesifieke woordeboek wat gebruik word, maar oor die algemeen kan dit gedefinieer word as:Die kombinasie van kwaliteite of kenmerke wat een persoon, groep of ding van 'n ander onderskei.Die kenmerkende eienskappe waaruit 'n individu se persoonlikheid, sedelike of temperament verband hou. hul betroubaarheid of integriteit.'n Simbool of merk wat in skrif of druk gebruik word.'n Fiktiewe persoon in 'n roman, toneelstuk of film.Die gedrag of temperament van 'n voorwerp of stof, veral in terme van hoe dit reageer op eksterne kragte of toestande.'n Letter of nommer wat gebruik word in rekenaar of kodering..

Sentence Examples

  1. No, that was something that came from within Kila himself, from the depths of his character.
  2. Kellan, my protagonist, is a thirtyish single father, whereas traditionally a woman is the main character.
  3. Here right before him is a new character and an intriguing one at that.
  4. Gettelung had said something about character building.
  5. Silva, and Noriko for providing insight and perspective during the development of the story, setting, and character arcs.
  6. For all he knew, it was entirely possible that some of them were of unimpeachable character, but for the time being he felt it more prudent to outright eliminate them as possible allies.
  7. The man had never shown the slightest distress at the grievous wounds turning such a blind eye had inflicted on his character.
  8. I start to give him my view on things when Madman Maddox strolls through the door, emerging on to the balcony of the Crescent Hotel, hands on his gun belt, chiseled chin in the air like a TV series character.
  9. I told him that sounded good, though I hoped I could be a worthy character in his book.
  10. An hour later Gettelung returned and as he led her out of the kitchen he explained that Novices were expected to clean as well without using sorcery, to build character.