English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "krytbord" is 'n gladde, plat, gewoonlik donkerkleurige oppervlak, gemaak van leiklip, metaal of ander materiale, waarop met kryt geskryf of geteken kan word. Dit word algemeen in klaskamers, kantore en ander opvoedkundige omgewings gebruik as 'n onderrighulpmiddel.


  1. blackboard

Sentence Examples

  1. It reminded him of scratching a chalkboard like he used to do to torture his tutors as a child, only happening so fast it hurt.
  2. Sister Bridget had whacked me more than once with a chalkboard pointer.
  3. Another squeal, like fingernails on a chalkboard, and the wreckage drooped farther towards the ground.
  4. Steele, who had returned to the chalkboard to continue his math dance with a piece of chalk.
  5. With the gray-green chalkboard behind him, he looked like a poster for some creepy hospital that would give you a worse disease than you came in with.
  6. A long chalkboard stretched along the back wall with various listings for soups and sandwiches, coffees and ice cream.
  7. It was female, but the voice was warped and vile as if somewhere far away, unknown nails scraped down a chalkboard whenever the thing spoke.