English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gesertifiseer" is om amptelik erken of geverifieer te word dat dit aan 'n sekere standaard of vereiste voldoen. Dit impliseer dikwels dat 'n persoon of ding 'n formele evaluering of assesseringsproses ondergaan het om te bepaal dat hulle aan spesifieke kriteria of kwalifikasies voldoen. Die term kan in verskeie kontekste gebruik word, soos professionele sertifiserings, produkkwaliteitsertifiserings en wettige sertifiserings. Die woord "gesertifiseer" dui in wese daarop dat iets of iemand deur 'n erkende owerheid of organisasie as betroubaar, betroubaar of gekwalifiseerd beskou is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Certified Master Instructor, senior Range Safety Officer, all that.
  2. Beyond the basic economics were all of the challenges to actually producing organic cotton, without typical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides on certified, uncontaminated land not close to the spraying of other crops, etc.
  3. Before the middle of the next day, he was at Hartfield and he entered the room with such an agreeable smile as certified the continuance of the scheme.
  4. Just like in the sea that spread out in front of them, which he certified by quickly scanning it.
  5. She graduated high school at fourteen, college at sixteen, and was now a certified hiber-pod technician.
  6. Maxwell, out of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is an IFR certified private pilot, speaks bits and pieces of ten languages, surfs, skis, sails and scuba dives.
  7. Tex-ray was also arranging and paying for the land to be certified as organic.
  8. I never went around chasing after virgins like some guys, who, in my book, were certified shitbags to begin with.