English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "sekerheid" is die toestand van volkome vertroue of seker oor iets; die afwesigheid van twyfel of onsekerheid. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n feit of waarheid wat beslis waar is of bo alle twyfel vasgestel is. Daarbenewens kan dit iets beskryf wat onvermydelik is of seker sal gebeur.

Sentence Examples

  1. He notes every variation of face as the play progresses, gathering a fund of thought from the differences in the expression of certainty, of surprise, of triumph, or of chagrin.
  2. Lothario pressed her to explain her intention fully, so that he might with more certainty and precaution take care to do what he saw to be needful.
  3. This recess or space I perceived when I was already growing weary and disgusted at finding myself hanging suspended by the rope, travelling downwards into that dark region without any certainty or knowledge of where I was going, so I resolved to enter it and rest myself for a while.
  4. I care not and I think I can say with some certainty that my brother will care little either.
  5. The goatherd told him, as he had told him before, that there was no knowing of a certainty where his lair was but that if he wandered about much in that neighbourhood he could not fail to fall in with him either in or out of his senses.
  6. But I, by some strange miracle, live on A prey to absence, jealousy, disdain Racked by suspicion as by certainty Forgotten, left to feed my flame alone.
  7. The only thing that kept me from rushing in to help him was the fact that I knew for a certainty he could handle it.
  8. Already the certainty that the Count is out of the country has given her comfort and comfort is strength to her.
  9. The Chloe-Dryden link was no longer a probability in his mind it was a growing certainty.
  10. The end of it was that the licentiate reckoned up for him by thrusts every one of the buttons of the short cassock he wore, tore the skirts into strips, like the tails of a cuttlefish, knocked off his hat twice, and so completely tired him out, that in vexation, anger, and rage, he took the sword by the hilt and flung it away with such force, that one of the peasants that were there, who was a notary, and who went for it, made an affidavit afterwards that he sent it nearly three-quarters of a league, which testimony will serve, and has served, to show and establish with all certainty that strength is overcome by skill.