English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "seremonie" is 'n formele handeling of stel handelinge wat op 'n spesifieke manier uitgevoer word, gewoonlik vir 'n spesiale geleentheid of gebeurtenis. Dit behels dikwels 'n ritueel, tradisie of protokol en kan simboliese of kulturele betekenis hê. ’n Seremonie kan ’n publieke of private geleentheid wees en kan wissel in skaal en kompleksiteit na gelang van die konteks en doel. Voorbeelde van seremonies sluit in troues, begrafnisse, gradeplegtighede, godsdienstige rites en diplomatieke protokolle.

Sentence Examples

  1. Behind him, the clink of shackles broke the silence as the Dokkalfar detained the handful of prisoners they had selected to slaughter on ceremony.
  2. The landlord told all the people who were in the inn about the craze of his guest, the watching of the armour, and the dubbing ceremony he contemplated.
  3. I could not have done it without his agreement or without his presence at the ceremony.
  4. It was the afternoon following the knighting ceremony, and the excitement level amongst the throng within The Hub was palpable.
  5. So we have no ceremony for accepting you into our nation.
  6. At the unveiling ceremony, they forced me to wear an extremely short, body-hugging tunic while wielding a plastic shield and spear.
  7. The death of any House member, even a lowly one, was a matter of ceremony for the Elders, who were the first to visit the family and offer their condolences.
  8. However, he was shocked to realise that many who had attended the ceremony had remained.
  9. A successful outcome led them to the Weighing of Heart ceremony, where good and bad deeds were examined, and if all went well, onto to heaven in the Field of Rushes.
  10. The head of the procession soon appeared beneath the trees, a hundred paces away and the strange figures who performed the religious ceremony were easily distinguished through the branches.