English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "vang" beteken:die daad om iets wat deur die lug beweeg te stop of te gryp of gegooi of gegooi wordiets wat gevang word, soos 'n vis of 'n bal'n versteekte moeilikheid of probleem wat onverwags is of nie onmiddellik sigbaar is nie'n persoon of ding wat aantreklik of aantreklik is'n stoppunt of bestemming, soos in 'n bus- of treinroeteAs 'n werkwoord kan "vang" beteken:om te gryp of te gryp iets wat deur die lug beweeg of gegooi of gegooi wordom iemand of iets in beweging te onderskep of te stopom 'n dier of vis te vang of vas te vang om met 'n siekte of siekte besmet te wordom iets te verstaan of te begryp, soos 'n idee of konsep.

Sentence Examples

  1. He turned into a small alleyway then froze, apparently waiting for her to catch up.
  2. I reacted just in time to catch it, and saw that she had another one of her own and was waving it threateningly.
  3. I hurry down the stone steps and catch up, still fuming over his insensitive remarks.
  4. I have a plane to catch and nothing is getting me down today, I practically yell inside my head.
  5. He sends Lori another smile but only briefly this time, as if he senses someone might catch on.
  6. The shepherd actor introduces himself as David and explains how a cast of more than one hundred performs in Eureka Springs every summer and that we all need to return to catch this outdoor drama.
  7. He kneels ever so slightly to catch the water dripping into a particularly lovely pool, its drops sending circles through the water as if in slow motion.
  8. Brooke tried to get up and run, but Arantay was there to catch her, moving faster than the eye could follow.
  9. But today my first press trip as a travel writer awaits and I have a plane to catch.
  10. I run to catch up and hear him mentioning the Osage Indians, a tribe who lived in the area and labeled this slice of heaven the land of blue skies and laughing waters.

TV Series Examples



- You have to be quick to catch them.



lf l don't catch you first.



Tomorrow you will catch it.