English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "katatonies" is 'n toestand van onbeweeglikheid en onreaksie op eksterne stimuli, wat dikwels gepaard gaan met rigiditeit, postuur en 'n gebrek aan verbale kommunikasie. Dit is 'n mediese term wat gebruik word om 'n sielkundige toestand te beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur 'n verdwaasde of beswyming-agtige toestand, waar die persoon kan lyk asof dit in 'n verdwaasdheid, teruggetrokke is of nie reageer op hul omgewing nie. In sommige gevalle kan katatonie 'n simptoom wees van verskeie geestesgesondheidsversteurings, soos skisofrenie of bipolêre versteuring.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was in such a catatonic state, she began to pee herself down her legs.
  2. And when the nurses tried to wash him anyway, thinking maybe he was catatonic with shock, he attacked them, accusing them of trying to kill him.
  3. Annie looked frozen, either lost in thought or going catatonic.
  4. Eryn appeared catatonic, her eyes open yet unseeing, stupefied by the mental lacerations.
  5. After the guards took him into custody, Marcus became catatonic.
  6. Several others had blood coming out of the ears and eyes and a few looked catatonic.
  7. The Cabin sat up on the hill, where Rachel was most likely sitting in some catatonic state, wondering why she ever trusted me.