English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "katalogus" is 'n volledige lys items, tipies in alfabetiese of ander sistematiese volgorde gerangskik, dikwels met beskrywende besonderhede. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n publikasie wat so 'n lys bevat, of na die handeling om 'n lys of inventaris van items te maak. Daarbenewens kan "katalogus" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, wat beteken om 'n sistematiese lys van items te maak, dikwels met gepaardgaande beskrywende inligting.


  1. catalog

Sentence Examples

  1. This advantage has enabled them to extend their discoveries much farther than our astronomers in Europe for they have made a catalogue of ten thousand fixed stars, whereas the largest of ours do not contain above one-third part of that number.
  2. The druid also taught Eilidh an unbelievable catalogue of spells.
  3. Plus my agent, Avery, arrived just in time to catalogue my writing flaws and play chaperone.
  4. You will have seen their reports in the catalogue.
  5. She wanted to catalogue, understand, and draw all the amazing creations in the World Machine, but she was also the responsible one.
  6. Find a catalogue from a fancy label printer in Newport Breach, CA.