English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kataklismies" is iets wat uiters rampspoedig, gewelddadig is of 'n groot omwenteling of vernietiging veroorsaak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gebeurtenis of situasie wat heeltemal transformerend of revolusionêr van aard is. Die term word dikwels gebruik om natuurrampe te beskryf, soos aardbewings, vloede en vulkaniese uitbarstings, sowel as groot politieke of sosiale omwentelinge wat die verloop van die geskiedenis fundamenteel verander. In die algemeen stel "kataklismies" 'n grootskaalse, dramatiese en potensieel lewensveranderende gebeurtenis of ervaring voor.


  1. cataclysmal

Sentence Examples

  1. Cataclysmic events were soon to confront us, and my decision .
  2. Xaran Ridgeford is on the cusp of a discovery that could have cataclysmic repercussions for the realm.
  3. So I let my arms fall limply to my sides as I screamed the cataclysmic conclusion to the chorus, and my fiery prison penned the blooders in.
  4. Such a force would be cataclysmic in nature for both humankind and dragon-kind.
  5. Traces of their existence remained buried underground, leading humans to believe that a cataclysmic event destroyed those ancient people, leaving the planet inhabited only by the most hardy animals and insects.