English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "toevallig" is:ontspanne en onbesorgdnie beplan of gereeld nie; wat toevallig plaasvindnie formeel of amptelik nie; informeelontwerp vir informele gebruik; gemaklik en geskik vir alledaagse drag of gebruikgebeur sonder enige oënskynlike of doelbewuste oorsaak; toevallig of toevallig.Die presiese definisie van die woord "toevallig" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, aangesien dit verskillende betekenisse kan hê na gelang van die situasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. I enjoyed our casual relationship and found the more time we spent together, the more I liked him.
  2. When we hit the parking lot, I tried to act casual.
  3. If anything, the lack of STDs and accidental pregnancies have made casual sex disturbingly conventional.
  4. She ignored the thought, willing her fingers steady so that she could get herself out of her casual dinner gown and into her leathers as swiftly as possible.
  5. Everyone was dressed casual in jeans and t-shirts my kind of crowd.
  6. No doubt House Staerleigh paid top dollar for them, he thought, a casual flick of his eyes enough for him to pick up a myriad of tiny details.
  7. But there was an urgency in his voice now, and although he assumed a casual stance, the tension in his shoulders gave it away.
  8. With one casual gesture Vanderain had disintegrated their very beings, erasing them from all the worlds.
  9. Normally I would have enjoyed the pace, the anonymity, the casual way people go about their day.
  10. Yet the holiday lets provide much low paid casual employment.