English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "karreer" is 'n persoon wat 'n wa bestuur, veral vir die vervoer van goedere of materiaal. In die verlede was karweiers belangrike figure in vervoer, aangesien hulle verantwoordelik was vir die verskuiwing van goedere en voorrade van een plek na 'n ander. Vandag word die term "karreer" minder algemeen gebruik, aangesien die meeste vervoer deur motorvoertuie eerder as karre gedoen word. In sommige landelike gebiede kan karweiers egter steeds vir spesifieke take in diens geneem word, soos die verskuiwing van hooi of ander landbouprodukte.

Sentence Examples

  1. He drove the golf cart with Carter Johnson seated beside him.
  2. In the UK, clandestine government agent Nick Carter and his team find themselves faced with their deadliest enemy yet as they are forced to deal with the countries first outbreak.
  3. Carter Johnson had known Vice President Dave Younger since their college days.
  4. Besides, if they were like the parade so far that week, they were mostly in the market for a firsthand report on the biggest news since Jimmy Carter campaigned in town six years ago.
  5. Thus slowly and silently they made, it might be, two leagues, until they reached a valley which the carter thought a convenient place for resting and feeding his oxen, and he said so to the curate, but the barber was of opinion that they ought to push on a little farther, as at the other side of a hill which appeared close by he knew there was a valley that had more grass and much better than the one where they proposed to halt and his advice was taken and they continued their journey.
  6. Dave Younger, the vice president of the United States was riding in a golf cart with his old college buddy and CIA Director Carter Johnson.
  7. He of the green gaban would have offered resistance, but he found himself ill-matched as to arms, and did not think it prudent to come to blows with a madman, for such Don Quixote now showed himself to be in every respect and the latter, renewing his commands to the keeper and repeating his threats, gave warning to the gentleman to spur his mare, Sancho his Dapple, and the carter his mules, all striving to get away from the cart as far as they could before the lions broke loose.
  8. The carter at once unyoked the oxen and left them to roam at large about the pleasant green spot, the freshness of which seemed to invite, not enchanted people like Don Quixote, but wide-awake, sensible folk like his squire, who begged the curate to allow his master to leave the cage for a little for if they did not let him out, the prison might not be as clean as the propriety of such a gentleman as his master required.
  9. I shall try to see the carter who took away the boxes from Carfax when Renfield attacked them.
  10. Kirk sat beside Carter Johnson, the director of the CIA.