English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "dra" is:Om die gewig van iets vas te hou of te ondersteun en dit van een plek na 'n ander te neem. Voorbeeld: Sy het die swaar boks kar toe gedra.Om iets by jou te hê en dit van een plek na 'n ander te neem. Voorbeeld: Hy dra altyd 'n pen in sy sak.Om iemand of iets van een plek na 'n ander te vervoer. Voorbeeld: Die trein vervoer elke dag honderde passasiers.Om 'n bepaalde kwaliteit, kenmerk of uitdrukking te hê of te vertoon. Voorbeeld: Sy het 'n lug van selfvertroue gedra toe sy die kamer binnestap.Om 'n las of verantwoordelikheid te dra. Voorbeeld: Hy het die gewig van sy gesin se finansiële probleme op sy skouers gedra.Om iets in jouself vas te hou of te bevat. Voorbeeld: Die storie dra 'n boodskap van hoop.Om 'n aktiwiteit of proses tot voltooiing voort te sit. Voorbeeld: Die projek is suksesvol uitgevoer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Pleased to find her in a good mood, I pick her up and carry her through the house.
  2. He is a large man, with a tendency to carry too much weight, his serious nature showing on his face in downward curving lines and in the furrows on his brow.
  3. Yet as repulsive as it was, it was nothing to the unspeakable revulsion with which she thought of the elaborate act she would have to carry on with Lach if she stayed.
  4. As the gift size increases so does the value, my parents indulging Gloria with an arts and crafts kit in its own special carry case, a memory game, a toy toolset with workbench, and finally, leaning against the wall beside the table, a heavy duty, plastic cubby house.
  5. After all, what reason could the Seafarers have to brave the waves if not to carry other House-made goods to far-flung locations?
  6. Someone else is there now and their whispers carry ever so lightly through the lobby.
  7. How long could they carry on a clandestine love affair?
  8. I let the evil desire rule my judgment with her, as I did you, and will carry that sin with me until my dying day.
  9. I also found a syringe case, the kind diabetics carry with them.
  10. By the next week, he and Jed had managed to carry all the pods up the hill once again.