English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "matte" is om 'n mat of matte te bedek of te voorsien. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling van die installering van matte op 'n vloer of oppervlak.

Sentence Examples

  1. His feet barely touched the carpeted floor as he sprinted down the hallway.
  2. Chief darted in front and opened the door to a brown carpeted hallway.
  3. The room was vast enough to hold a hundred people comfortably, carpeted in moldy rugs that had forgotten what color they were long ago.
  4. Penny paused, then turned and left down a carpeted hallway.
  5. He let himself in and, unable to go farther, sat down on the carpeted stairs.
  6. Resplendent sapphire rugs carpeted a rich mahogany floor littered with beautiful handcrafted furniture.
  7. Harry walked down the cream carpeted stairs and took a left down the laminate floor hallway to an open plan kitchen.
  8. Captain Woolf removed his hat and bowed as she made her way down the elegantly carpeted steps.
  9. He dropped to the carpeted floor of the limo, reached under the seat, and grabbed his skateboard.
  10. Stifling a laugh, I click my tongue and stomp on the carpeted floor.