English to afrikaans meaning of

Die naam Caroline word tipies as 'n meisie se naam gebruik en dit het verskeie verskillende betekenisse, afhangende van die bron:Vroulike vorm van Charles, wat "vry man" of "sterk" beteken.Afgelei van die Latynse naam Carolus, wat "lied van geluk" of "vreugde" beteken.In Oud-Duits beteken Caroline of "in oud-Duits, Caroline" en In Oud-Duits beteken Caroline of "womanlyoline". sterk".As 'n woord op sy eie het Caroline nie 'n spesifieke woordeboekbetekenis nie.


  1. carolean

Sentence Examples

  1. With her father departed and mother dead, Caroline put her through high school.
  2. I dropped Caroline at her house out in the sticks, and headed for home, a newish building on the south edge of the city center.
  3. I then outlined everything I learned since dropping Caroline at home, highlighting that Benson believed Sarah was still in France with Gareth.
  4. Sanjay recommended the local brew, Bude-iful Day, and Caroline ordered two pints.
  5. And what were the chances that Caroline would accept the word of a loyalty-deficient scumbag like Sammy LeHavre?
  6. Tell Caroline her sister was dead, and get the Foreign Office to instigate a search.
  7. Caroline slid the envelope into view and took a pull on the bitter.
  8. Caroline and I eased through the thin crowd, an odd mix of surfer dudes and gals fresh from the ocean and local drinkers who thought surfers were birthed by some demon to destroy society.
  9. The worst of the storm was over, but Caroline still fidgeted, hand gripping the passenger seat with every wind-assisted swerve.
  10. Back at my apartment, I called Caroline to let her know I had a little more information than Harry uncovered, and told her I was confident that Harry had been correct about Sarah absconding to Paris.