English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "wifelagtig" is "op 'n skielike en ontoerekeningsvatbare manier; onvoorspelbaar en onderhewig aan grille." Dit verwys na aksies of gedrag wat impulsief, grillerig of onvoorspelbaar is, dikwels sonder enige logiese rede of plan. Wanneer iemand wispelturig optree, kan hulle impulsief besluite neem of sonder om die gevolge deur te dink.

Sentence Examples

  1. The fire of the heavens cast red reflections on the polished surface, and these reflections, flying off capriciously, seemed to be angry looks launched by the unfortunate, instead of imprecations.
  2. The barometer announced a speedy change, the mercury rising and falling capriciously the sea also, in the south-east, raised long surges which indicated a tempest.
  3. My beautiful one, Whose harshest idea Will to melody run, Say, is it thy will, On the breezes to toss, Or, capriciously still, Like the lone albatross, Incumbent on night, As she on the air, To keep watch with delight On the harmony there?