English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "galop" is 'n drieslaggang van 'n perd of ander viervoet tussen 'n draf en 'n galop, waarin die voorpote en die agterpote aan dieselfde kant saam beweeg. As 'n werkwoord beteken "galop" om op 'n galop te beweeg of om 'n perd dit te laat doen, of om op 'n lewendige of maklike manier te beweeg of op te tree.

Sentence Examples

  1. They picked up the pace, and once they hit a large patch of meadowland, Christie took Champ into a trot before squeezing her legs to get him to go into a canter.
  2. Desperate to escape the end that was closing in, she hoisted herself onto Astrid and sent him into a light canter through the trees to where no one could find her.
  3. Without a second glance, she climbed onto Astrid and steered him around, sending him into a canter down the path behind Livsvann as the apple restored the luster to his coat.
  4. The Dokkalfar camp came into view where barely a corner of light from her tent was visible, and she pulled back the reins, slowing Astrid to a light canter.
  5. The cabbie helped John get Maddie into the conveyance he cracked the whip at his horse and they took off at a canter.
  6. He gave Twister a light kick and the stallion sprang forward, setting out at a canter.
  7. A sheep walked slowly toward Pearl, then broke into a canter.
  8. With a last glance over his shoulder, Hawke nudged Sir Brown Horse to a canter and led us onto the main road.
  9. Moving in opposite directions they began to canter around the circle, stopping at the same time to turn on the spot.
  10. As he crossed the yard he could hear the horse approaching on the other side, the sound of the hoof beats told him the horse had not slowed from a canter when it had started to cross the wooden bridge leading to the closed manor gates.