English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kers" is 'n silinder of blok was of talg met 'n sentrale pit wat aangesteek word om lig te produseer terwyl dit brand. Dit word tipies gebruik vir verligting of as 'n bron van hitte, en kan ook in verskeie godsdienstige en kulturele seremonies gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Opening the door he was forced to take a rapid step backward as Judith stumbled into the room, one hand holding a lit candle.
  2. A candle fell to the floor and was extinguished by a man.
  3. Reaching past her Richard pressed it closed, and as he did the girl dropped the candle holder onto the top of a coffer and flung her arms around his neck.
  4. The summer, so newly arrived, was blazingly hot, and even at night she felt more like a melting candle than a person.
  5. The candle re-lit on the desk, her door locked, Catherine stared at the paper lying in front of her.
  6. A cinnamon-spiced candle burned tall and bright, casting forlorn shadows on the wall.
  7. Taking the candle from the pewter holder and cleaning the debris of wax from its circular dish, she scraped the seal from the parchment into it.
  8. A single candle lit the room, its flicker in the draft of air the only movement.
  9. Subdued, Jack turned and left, quieter than he had entered, the candle flame hardly recording the closing of the door.
  10. Some minutes later, a smoking candle from her desk on the uneven floor, she was searching in earnest, determined to find its secret.