English to afrikaans meaning of

Kanada is 'n land in Noord-Amerika, begrens deur die Verenigde State in die suide en noordweste, die Arktiese Oseaan in die noorde, en die Atlantiese Oseaan in die ooste. Dit is die wêreld se tweede grootste land volgens landgebied en is bekend vir sy diverse landskap, multikulturele samelewing en sterk ekonomie. Die naam "Kanada" kom vermoedelik van die Huron-Iroquois-woord "kanata", wat dorpie of nedersetting beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. Drug Trafficking in Canada focused on a single and obvious topic.
  2. That underground railroad go right through Michigan on the way to Canada.
  3. Especially in the center of Mbabane, where there was a shopping plaza dating from the early nineties and two small malls that were newer, we felt the ambiance of a small working-class city in the United States or Canada.
  4. We were across the border to Canada before it made the news.
  5. Things were probably no better down in Portland or up in Canada.
  6. Once we settled in, know how we gonna keep ourselves alive, we can go spend a day over in Canada.
  7. You go south from Detroit, first foreign country you gonna run into is Canada.
  8. Almost same to Canada but like this is for children.
  9. The canisters only went off in the United States, but Canada and Mexico have both reported cases of the illness in their countries now as well.
  10. Eugénie and I rode across Canada for our honeymoon.