English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kamp" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene betekenisse:'n Plek waar mense vir 'n kort tydperk in tente of hutte kan bly, gewoonlik vir ontspanning of as deel van 'n groepaktiwiteit, soos 'n somerkamp, militêre kamp of vlugtelingkamp.'n Styl of manier van gedrag wat doelbewus oordrewe, aangetas word, of dikwels met 'n bepaalde groep, subkultuur of kunsmatige humor geassosieer word vertonings.'n Groep mense wat 'n gemeenskaplike belangstelling deel, soos 'n aanhangerklub of politieke beweging.Om in 'n tydelike skuiling, soos 'n tent of kampeerder, te bly, as deel van 'n kampeeruitstappie of buitelugavontuur.Om 'n tydelike skuiling of bedrywighede op te rig, soos in "om uit te kampeer in die bosse naby die strand of die meeste van die definisies van die meeste van die strand" of><>. s van "kamp." Die woord kan ook ander betekenisse in spesifieke kontekste of velde hê, soos in argitektuur, teater of sport.

Sentence Examples

  1. She never believed a trader would sully himself enough to visit a ruin rat camp.
  2. He was a tall, thin, balding man in his early forties and had been leading the camp for the past ten years.
  3. Those that could be salvaged were more usable to her camp, but jewelry could be traded for other supplies.
  4. During the night Camp Walbach was passed on the left Lodge Pole Creek ran parallel with the road, marking the boundary between the territories of Wyoming and Colorado.
  5. The camp only had another two or three days of food supplies left.
  6. Get out of that hole and get your asses back to camp.
  7. With one of his scavengers injured and another ruin rat camp near their territory, there was no way he would keep her out of the ruins.
  8. The night was moonless, the forest unnaturally silent, but like a compass needle drawn to magnetic north, I stumbled straight back to camp.
  9. More than one ruin rat camp had disbanded or died out from being blacklisted.
  10. Despite herself, Kayla was impressed with the extravagance and interested to see what other gadgets they had in their camp.