English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van Camelot is "'n plek of tyd van geïdealiseerde skoonheid, vreedsaamheid en verligting, veral in die kunste en letterkunde, wat dikwels geassosieer word met die legendariese hof van koning Arthur."Die term "Camelot" het in die 20ste eeu gewild geword, veral na die 1960's, as 'n verwysing na die idealistiese en hoopvolle administrasie van F Kennedy, die legende van die president van Arthur, John. Die term word ook dikwels gebruik om na enige utopiese of idilliese omgewing of tydperk te verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. Of course, that Camelot had endured for decades before it fell, and this one was only in its infancy.
  2. Thus far, there were no signs of the splinters that had cracked open his original Camelot.
  3. On the eighth day, he was smuggled out and returned to Camelot.
  4. With all the added colonists, progress in Camelot was accelerating.
  5. The original Camelot had crumbled due to in-fighting and human selfishness.
  6. The colony took the time to mourn and bury the unlucky couple that died seeking safety, and the Camelot cemetery grew a little larger.
  7. In the first Camelot, the seed of doom had been Mordred.
  8. Claw tracks led away from the hole, headed in the direction of Camelot.
  9. The now completed center, located in the very middle of Camelot, was something the colonists were understandably proud of.
  10. It crossed the downed section of the fence and headed into Camelot towards the jail.