English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gons" is 'n lae, aaneenlopende brom- of murmurerende geluid, soos dié wat deur bye of masjinerie gemaak word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel van opgewondenheid of afwagting, soos in "Daar is 'n gons in die lug oor die komende konsert." Boonop kan "gons" gebruik word as 'n werkwoord wat beteken om 'n gonsgeluid te maak of om inligting of skinder vinnig te versprei, soos in "Die nuus oor die celebrity se skeiding het vinnig op sosiale media gegons."

Sentence Examples

  1. This time, we took a different path, one that led down a sloping corridor with fewer doors but more of a static buzz in the air that usually meant magic was high.
  2. I attempt one long breath and exhale, feeling some semblance of tension remove when suddenly, that familiar buzz arrives.
  3. I could feel it, the static buzz beneath my skin more pronounced than ever.
  4. The wind roared in my ears, but along with that, the buzz of magic surrounded me.
  5. The grapevine had brought Cleva up to date, and that night, I was grateful for its unceasing buzz.
  6. The static buzz of magic faded as I stepped back onto Earth.
  7. I reached beneath the visible world for the buzz of magic and pushed at the air, hard but carefully.
  8. The recreation chamber was packed with Venators and the buzz of their chatter.
  9. The buzz of magic was starting to get on my nerves by now.
  10. My hand twitched on the stunner, the slight buzz of magic against my fingers like a building charge.