English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "burleske" is 'n vorm van vermaak wat die gebruik van parodie, satire en dikwels oordrewe optredes behels om humor of sosiale kommentaar te skep. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n literĂªre of dramatiese werk wat hierdie styl van humor of satire gebruik. Daarbenewens kan "burleske" as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat komies oordrewe of absurd is.

Sentence Examples

  1. In the Second Part it is the spirit rather than the incidents of the chivalry romances that is the subject of the burlesque.
  2. On reaching the gates of the town, which was a walled one, the municipality came forth to meet him, the bells rang out a peal, and the inhabitants showed every sign of general satisfaction and with great pomp they conducted him to the principal church to give thanks to God, and then with burlesque ceremonies they presented him with the keys of the town, and acknowledged him as perpetual governor of the island of Barataria.
  3. What, if instead of a mere string of farcical misadventures, he were to make his tale a burlesque of one of these books, caricaturing their style, incidents, and spirit?