English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bolwerk" is 'n verdedigingsmuur of versperring, gewoonlik gemaak van grond of klip, gebou om 'n vesting, stad of ander strategiese ligging teen aanvalle te beskerm. In figuurlike sin kan "bolwerk" ook verwys na enigiets wat sterk ondersteuning of beskerming teen skade of gevaar bied, soos 'n instelling of 'n stel oortuigings. Dit kan ook as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, wat beteken om te versterk of te beskerm met 'n bolwerk.

Sentence Examples

  1. All then proceeded to the poop, which was very handsomely decorated, and seated themselves on the bulwark benches the boatswain passed along the gangway and piped all hands to strip, which they did in an instant.
  2. That these were the ornament and bulwark of the kingdom, worthy followers of their most renowned ancestors, whose honor had been the reward of their virtue, from which their posterity were never once known to degenerate.
  3. Half a dozen fishwives appeared and blasted the children into obedience, while the crew of a beached coaster lounged over the tilted bulwark, passing a bottle back and forth.
  4. Bearded faces smiled upon them friendly hands raised them over a low bulwark and onto the waist of a two-masted vessel.
  5. They stowed the last sack with the others, brim-full of potatoes and carrots, neatly tucked in rows, made fast with a frayed rope under the bulwark at the stern.
  6. The hope that for once, if he kindled the flame high enough, it might endure and offer a lasting bulwark against the cold and the dark.