English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "koeëlvast" is iets wat bestand is teen penetrasie deur koeëls of ander projektiele, of wat die impak van koeëls of ander projektiele kan weerstaan sonder om binnegedring of beskadig te word. Dit kan ook figuurlik gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat uiters bestand is teen kritiek, mislukking of skade.

Sentence Examples

  1. Dull thumps emanated from the bulletproof glass that separated this checkpoint from the next, but whatever the man pounding on the wall shouted was drowned out by the alarm klaxons.
  2. Lance grabbed the open door and started to hoist Cass up to the seat when he paused, wondering if the bulletproof windows could stop the nightwalkers.
  3. Whatever else he might be, he was bulletproof and obviously really pissed with the monsters.
  4. We all pulled bulletproof vests out of our bags and slid them on, then fastened our gear belts in place.
  5. The bulletproof helmet she had worn showed a couple of scars as well.
  6. Even so, he still had to pass through three manned checkpoints of reinforced steel doors and floor-to-ceiling bulletproof glass.
  7. A miasma of blood and death and cordite rode the air, and faces and fists plastered themselves against the bulletproof windshield.
  8. A woman sitting behind glass, bulletproof no doubt, asked us our business.