English to afrikaans meaning of

'n bulletin is 'n kort openbare kennisgewing of aankondiging wat gewoonlik aan 'n groep mense versprei word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n periodieke publikasie wat gereeld uitgereik word, soos 'n nuusbrief of tydskrif. Die woord bulletin kan ook gebruik word om 'n kort verslag of opsomming van nuus of gebeure te beskryf, veral een wat na die media versprei word of op 'n webwerf geplaas word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Pearl browsed the notices on the bulletin board outside.
  2. The piece of paper was an article from a news bulletin.
  3. There was a five state bulletin out to find my kidnappers and bring them to justice.
  4. Red, white, and blue pushpins secured photos of the ten most wanted criminals to a bulletin board on the wall behind the desk.
  5. He notified the rest of the shop that he posted the results on the bulletin board in the shop.
  6. From my reading of the bulletin board, I knew where Devi and the group were having dinner.
  7. The teacher hung it on the bulletin board with the other best ones.