English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary is 'n bouer 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n persoon wat iets konstrueer deur dele of materiale saam te voeg. 'n Bouer kan ook verwys na 'n persoon of maatskappy wat huise, geboue of ander strukture bou. Boonop kan "bouer" figuurlik gebruik word om 'n persoon te beskryf wat verantwoordelik is vir die skep of ontwikkeling van iets, soos 'n besigheid of organisasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Builder slaves fall victim to the lash, malnutrition, treacherous falls, and the desert sun.
  2. The builder cheerfully undertook the commission, and promised to have these secret places completed by the next day, Dantès furnishing the dimensions and plan in accordance with which they were to be constructed.
  3. They will all disappear, like the fabrics children build with cards, and which fall, one by one, under the breath of their builder, even if there are two hundred of them.
  4. Will was a jovial thirty-something builder, originally from South Africa.
  5. This frame, so slightly clad, was a sort of crystallization around me, and reacted on the builder.
  6. Then he go to a builder, and he sell him that house, making an agreement that he pull it down and take all away within a certain time.
  7. Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead.
  8. The proposal was too advantageous to be refused, the more so as the person for whom the yacht was intended had gone upon a tour through Switzerland, and was not expected back in less than three weeks or a month, by which time the builder reckoned upon being able to complete another.
  9. They also are the largest water ship builder, so they have an uneasy relationship with our kingdom.
  10. At the moment of his arrival a small yacht was under trial in the bay this yacht had been built by order of an Englishman, who, having heard that the Genoese excelled all other builders along the shores of the Mediterranean in the construction of fast-sailing vessels, was desirous of possessing a specimen of their skill the price agreed upon between the Englishman and the Genoese builder was forty thousand francs.