English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "afgelees" is om deur iemand of iets geïrriteerd, gepla of geïrriteerd te wees. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat wanfunksioneer of nie behoorlik werk nie, veral in die geval van elektroniese toestelle of sagteware. In hierdie konteks beteken dit dat daar 'n defek of fout is wat veroorsaak dat die toestel of sagteware op 'n onverwagte of ongewenste manier optree.

Sentence Examples

  1. That bugged me more than anything, and my BFF should have known it.
  2. The footstep pattern, the circles in and around them, the hexagon, and the rectangle had a familiarity that bugged me.
  3. I admired her adorable face, but there was something about her that bugged me.
  4. She looked so vulnerable and sexy, I suddenly forgot what it was that bugged me about her.
  5. Just two days ago, Carl had our comm system bugged.
  6. com and then bugged me to get in touch with the women who responded.
  7. I also felt like I was begging him to go with me, and that really bugged me.
  8. My eyes practically bugged out, and it took a moment to focus on the screen.
  9. Maybe it was proof of my naïve idiot stupidity, but what bugged me most about the way things had gone for me at Central was the sense that it was damned impossible to do anything remotely useful, even to solve the murders that were happening right there in the office.
  10. Perhaps he should have bugged out for the mountains.