English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "bouillon" is 'n hartige vloeistof wat gemaak word deur vleis, vis of groente met kruie en speserye te prut. Dit kan as basis vir sop, bredies en souse gebruik word, of op sy eie bedien word as 'n ligte, geurige sop. Sous word tipies gemaak deur bestanddele stadig in water te kook om hul geure te onttrek, en dan die vaste stowwe uit te syg om 'n helder, gladde vloeistof te skep. Verskillende soorte sous kan in verskillende kombuise gebruik word en kan verskil in geur, rykheid en tekstuur, afhangende van die bestanddele wat gebruik word en die gaarmaakmetode wat gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Compared to hard bread and thin broth, each and every one was a delicacy I felt almost guilty tasting.
  2. I might have stewed in a broth of jealousy had I not been so worried I was going to fall out of the fucking tree.
  3. They did as they were desired and by the time she judged it reasonable to have done with her boot, she had the comfort of farther delay in her power, being overtaken by a child from the cottage, setting out, according to orders, with her pitcher, to fetch broth from Hartfield.
  4. From time to time, gentle arms lifted his head and some sort of thin broth was poured between his lips.
  5. A helot of Agesilaus made us a dish of Spartan broth, but I was not able to get down a second spoonful.
  6. Raising a brow, I watch her take a scoop of wild rice and fill her bowl with chicken broth.
  7. He was able to get her to swallow most of the broth the old woman brought, but she had not yet come back to full consciousness.
  8. A sludge of unidentifiable vegetables hid at the bottom of the bowl below a thin layer of lukewarm broth purporting to be rabbit stew.
  9. The old Niscian sat on his haunches, continuing to stir the bubbling broth in the iron skillet hanging above the fire with a stick in his hand.
  10. In my weakened state, I could feel the hot broth sliding down my throat.