English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "brood" is om diep en lank na te dink oor iets wat 'n mens ongelukkig, kwaad of bekommerd maak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n familie van jong diere, veral voëls, wat op dieselfde tyd uitgebroei of gebore is, of 'n groep nageslag wat deur 'n enkelouer of paar ouers voortgebring is. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken om op eiers te sit om hulle uit te broei, of om hulle warm te hou totdat hulle uitbroei.

Sentence Examples

  1. I found myself turning to look at two black beauties with matching yellow markings across the wings, which suggested they might have been hatchlings from the same brood.
  2. That these yahoos engendered, and their brood, in a short time, grew so numerous as to overrun and infest the whole nation.
  3. She earned the name thanks to her fancy-pants gait unlike any other in the brood.
  4. Every child grew up hearing the stories of the Shadows where figures brood with long, menacing fingers, sharpened to fine tips, and pallid, sickly skin stretched over a skeletal frame.
  5. Harting again excused himself, I retreated to the corner to brood and keep an eye on Mr.
  6. There was no time to brood over the possibilities.
  7. There would be long miles back to Delphi to brood over all that had transpired.
  8. We saw a brood of Luftwaffe officers go down into the Metro.
  9. Billie and her brood were in the row in front of us, and from the row behind, Cleva patted me on the back with that reassuring way of hers.
  10. Alone, Kallan returned to her place on the stones beside the trees where she resumed her silent brood.