English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "brons" is 'n geelbruin metaallegering wat hoofsaaklik uit koper, tin en soms klein hoeveelhede ander metale soos sink, lood of nikkel bestaan. Dit word dikwels gebruik om beeldhouwerke, medaljes, munte en ander dekoratiewe voorwerpe te maak. Die term kan ook verwys na 'n donker, rooibruin kleur wat soos die metaal lyk, of na 'n derde plek in 'n sportkompetisie. As 'n werkwoord kan "brons" beteken om iets 'n bronskleur te gee of

Sentence Examples

  1. Before the other sorcerer could change the direction of his shaft, Tarkyn had surrounded himself in a translucent bronze shield.
  2. His skin was a deep shade of bronze that only emphasized his obsidian eyes.
  3. He leaned against the trunk of the oak, the last drops of water still dripping from his tangled bronze hair.
  4. His hair was heavily thinned and mostly white with thin streaks of bronze, though it grew long enough in the back to be pulled into an absurdly tiny ponytail.
  5. With short, sun-bleached blonde hair, golden bronze skin, and an athletically-sculpted body, he was gorgeous!
  6. Vanderain was short and slender, his skin a suntanned bronze.
  7. One staircase was bronze, whilst another was carved from fluffy green dough and one staircase appeared to have a different substance for each step.
  8. I would also like to thank my sister Wendy Ealey who produced the cover design and interior typesetting, and Burnham Arlidge who painted the marvellous tree filled with bronze magic that appears on the front cover and throughout the book.
  9. Complimenting his sleepless eyes were sunken cheekbones and a head of rapidly thinning bronze hair streaked with silver.
  10. Anyone who tried to argue changed their mind quickly when the spears started pointing, and soon enough we were making way straight through to the bronze doors.