English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van uitsaai is die verspreiding van oudio- of video-inhoud aan 'n groot gehoor via radio, televisie of die internet. Dit behels die oordrag van inligting of programme gelyktydig na 'n wye reeks mense of liggings, sonder die behoefte aan fisiese verbindings tussen die sender en ontvanger. Die term word ook gebruik om te verwys na die industrie en tegnologie betrokke by die vervaardiging en verspreiding van uitsaai-inhoud.


  1. broadcast medium

Sentence Examples

  1. Harry could see through the plexiglass and could hear them chatting, they must be broadcasting to the whole building as well.
  2. Abby had spent most of her life specializing in broadcasting and media studies, following a similar post-undergraduate degree path as me.
  3. I finished teaching my first broadcasting course in the morning.
  4. Not that he could be anonymous anywhere in this town, but it would be less like broadcasting his woes via a megaphone.
  5. I am broadcasting my thoughts or Beron is eavesdropping, he thought.
  6. Soon, she will be broadcasting our whereabouts to every wizard within the range of her powers.
  7. The officers were determined to detain the man still broadcasting from the radio station.
  8. The Muscatine, Iowa, native made a fortune in the 1920s broadcasting ads for his mail order products, claiming his natural remedies would cure what ailed people as opposed to what he considered the corrupt American Medical Association.
  9. At Braxton, the communications department included media and broadcasting, literature, theater, writing, public relations, and art majors.
  10. Once Television News started broadcasting the incident, he would be receiving calls from other members of the family.