English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n bruid 'n vrou wat op die punt staan om te trou of wat onlangs getroud is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The display with which it is to be attended will be something rare and out of the common, for it will be celebrated in a meadow adjoining the town of the bride, who is called, par excellence, Quiteria the fair, as the bridegroom is called Camacho the rich.
  2. And he was a passionate, and wild, and moody man, who became lost in reveries so that he would not see that the light which fell so ghastly in that lone turret withered the health and the spirits of his bride, who pined visibly to all but him.
  3. As soon as he had read it he seated himself in a chair, leaning his cheek on his hand in the attitude of one deep in thought, without taking any part in the efforts that were being made to recover his bride from her fainting fit.
  4. The bride and groom dodged birdseed being flung at them from a gauntlet of friends and family lining the front steps of the church.
  5. The bride showed no signs of displeasure at the deception on the contrary, hearing them say that the marriage, being fraudulent, would not be valid, she said that she confirmed it afresh, whence they all concluded that the affair had been planned by agreement and understanding between the pair, whereat Camacho and his supporters were so mortified that they proceeded to revenge themselves by violence, and a great number of them drawing their swords attacked Basilio, in whose protection as many more swords were in an instant unsheathed, while Don Quixote taking the lead on horseback, with his lance over his arm and well covered with his shield, made all give way before him.
  6. It was thus a terrible thing for this lady to hear the painter speak of his desire to portray even his young bride.
  7. He, passionate, studious, austere, and having already a bride in his Art she a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee all light and smiles, and frolicsome as the young fawn loving and cherishing all things hating only the Art which was her rival dreading only the pallet and brushes and other untoward instruments which deprived her of the countenance of her lover.
  8. The bride and groom and their families, standing on the steps of the famous landmark, turned to casually observe the horse and riders galloping past.
  9. It need not be said that the marriage took place forty-eight hours after, and that Passepartout, glowing and dazzling, gave the bride away.
  10. It was said, moreover, that Don Fernando went away at once, and that Luscinda did not recover from her prostration until the next day, when she told her parents how she was really the bride of that Cardenio I have mentioned.