English to afrikaans meaning of

'n brouery is "'n plek waar bier gebrou word of 'n maatskappy wat bier maak."

Sentence Examples

  1. Legend had it that when this brewery closed, Capone took the facility over, ran it himself, and shipped beer out in milk cans.
  2. I rolled my window down, gulping for fresh air, and staring across the dark open lot to the foreboding old brewery in the distance.
  3. Originally a gravity brewery, the place had been expanded and retooled over the years, the high tanks removed as other means of production took over.
  4. Exempting the people I had already seen, I learned that Ethan and Catherine had an older brother, who was the next in line to own the brewery, and a younger brother.
  5. If memory served they made up what once had been an old brewery long since closed down.
  6. Sorenson, who owned the brewery and saloon, piped up.
  7. At the old brewery, on the near south side, Lisa wrapped her arm around me and supported my aching everything as we walked away from the flickering lights.